
Cherryville Water Stewards

Cherryville Water Stewards is a group of citizens concerned with area water quality. Simply put, we have some of the cleanest natural water in the world and we would like to keep it that way.

Cherryville has always been known as a little place with big ideas. Back in the 70s a group of concerned citizens blockaded North Fork Road to show their disapproval of a forest company’s plan to log Cherry Ridge. Since that time Cherryville residents have been committed to protecting Cherry Ridge and its environment.

Now we have a group of citizens who are equally committed to keeping the water in our area clean – a big idea, but another one that we are committed to.

Prompted by development at Sugar Lake and cattle ranging on land and water above us, the Stewards sent out a questionnaire to every mailbox in Cherryville to see if the residents were interested in a Vision Statement and Code of Conduct for the area in and around Cherryville.

Many community members filled out these forms agreeing overwhelmingly that a suggested code of conduct for community members and visitors alike was in order.

Vision Statement

To preserve and/or improve the purity of the Upper and Middle Shuswap River watershed for the sake of its residents and future generations.

Establishing the regular and accurate water quality testing and making this data accessible to the Community.

Establishing a suggested code of conduct agreed upon by a majority of watershed residents.

Raising the awareness of our individual impact upon the watershed as well as our direct responsibility to its preservation.

It’s up to us!!!

Code of Conduct

  • Forestry, farming, commercial and private practices in the watershed, whether on crown land or private land, must not result in erosion, chemical poisoning or pollution from animal wastes.
  •  Keep riparian areas (30 meters from all waterways) wild and covered with native trees, bushes and plants. These areas should be free of herbicides and pesticides.
  • If you use a boat, please make sure that the integrity of the shore line is kept intact by limiting speed and noise when you are close to shore. Please ensure that your boat doesn’t leak any oil or gasoline and don’t discharge any waste or garbage into the water.
  • Recreational users of motorized vehicles must treat the environment with respect. Stay out of all waterways and riparian zones wherever possible and remember that you are visiting the habitat (nests and food source) of local wildlife.
  • Take it in! Take it out! Please don’t leave cans, bottles, wrappers or any other garbage behind.
  • In the home please be aware of everything that you put down your drain and flush down your toilet. Just because it’s out of sight doesn’t mean it’s gone. Pharmaceuticals, paint thinners and bleach, for example, ultimately will end up in the water.


To find out more about the Cherryville Water Stewards visit thier Webpage: