Government - All
Regional District
of North Okanagan
Electoral Area Director, Cherryville (Area E): Hank Cameron
Phone: 250-540-1455
Regional District of North Okanagan
9848 Aberdeen Road
Coldstream, British Columbia, V1B 2K9
Phone: 250-550-3700
Fax: 250-550-3701
Cherryville Advisory Planning Commission
Chairperson: Clint Whitecotton
Phone: 1-250-547-6550
White Valley, Parks, Recreation & Culture
Covering the Village of Lumby, Rural Lumby (Area D)
and Cherryville (Area E).
Province of BC
MLA Vernon-Monashee: Harwinder Sandhu
Constituency Office Address:
B-2920 28th Avenue
Vernon, BC, V1T 1V9
Phone: 250-503-3600
Ministry of Agriculture
4607 23rd Street, Vernon, B.C. V1T 4K7
Phone: 250-260-3000
Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure
Operations Manager: Danny Morris
Okanagan Shuswap District
Phone: 250-503-3664
Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations
& Rural Development
2501 14 Avenue
Vernon, BC, V1T 8Z1
Phone: 250-558-1700
General Enquiries: 1-800-663-7867
Compliance & Enforcement
Phone: 1-877-952-7277
Wildfire Management Branch
Kamloops Fire Centre (Vernon Fire Zone)
Phone: 250-554-5964
Emergency/Report Fire: 1-800-663-5555
Ministry of Environment
RAPP (Report All Polluters & Poachers):
1-877-952-7277 (RAPP)
Report online
Environmental Emergencies: 1-800-663-3456
Conservation Officer – North Okanagan Zone:Ken Owens
Phone: 250-861-7677
Wildlife encounters, infractions.
BC Parks
Area Supervisor: Ryan Elphick
Phone: 250-490-8250
Goverment of Canada
Service Canada
Phone: 1-800-622-6232
Member of Parliament: Mel Arnold
3105 – 29th Street, Vernon, B.C. V1T 5A8
Phone: 250-260-5020
Fax: 250-260-5025

The duties of the Cherryville Advisory Planning Commission (APC) is to advise the Regional District of North Okanagan (RDNO) Board of Directors, and the Director representing the electoral area, which is Area E for Cherryville, on all matters referred to it by the Regional District, the Board or by that Director, respecting land use, the preparation and adoption of an Official Community Plan or a proposed bylaw or permit that may be enacted or issued under Part 26 (Planning and Land Use Management) of the Local Government Act.
All A.P.C. meetings are open to the public.
All pertinent minutes are recorded and kept at the RDNO office and are available for public viewing.
Commission members must serve without remuneration.
Members: Hank Cameron (Director), Eugene Foisy (Alternate Director), Clint Whitecotton (Chair), Ian Eggen (Vice Chair), Lee Laviolette, Connie Foisy Vosper
Chairperson A.P.C.:
Clint Whitecotton
Phone: 250-547-6550
RDNO Electoral Area Director, Cherryville (Area E):
Hank Cameron
Phone: 250-547-2445