

The first Cherryville Community Hall was built in 1934; this marked the beginning of the Cherryville Community Club, which became a registered society in May 1961. The founding directors were Joseph Myers, Charlie Sihlis, Joyce Sihlis, Sid Draper and Ruth Sihlis.

The objects of the society were and are (as reproduced, in part, from the society’s bylaws):

  • To maintain, operate and conduct a community center and to promote the best interests of the community and people of Cherryville and environs.
  • To acquire buildings or lands for the purpose of creating facilities for entertainment, meetings or sports.
  • To receive and hold gifts, donations, legacies and devices.
  • To build up community spirit and to engage in work of a moral, benevolent, charitable, philanthropic and community service nature.
  • To engage in work of an educational, cultural and recreational nature.

Since 1961, many community members have carried on and maintained the Cherryville Community Club. It has run without disruption since it began – quite an achievement for a small community. The Club is caretaker of the wonderful Cherryville Community Hall and  Hanson Park, both of which would make any community, large or small, proud to have in their community or town.

Cherryville remains a very strongly-knit community with residents displaying endless amounts of enthusiasm and willingness to get involved. The Club hosts the annual Cherryville Days, a community fundraising celebration.

Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherryville Community Hall, which is located at 158 North Fork Road. A nominal annual membership fee of $1.00 is required, and every member of the community is invited and welcomed to meetings.


The Executive President: Michael Vaillancourt

Vice President: Megan Pittman

Treasurer: Joyce Fleury

Secretary: Lynne Frerichs

Directors: Maya Arcand, Heather Moore, Charlotte Care



To make a booking at the Cherryville Community Hall or Hansen Park, Please contact:

Heather Moore: 604-762-4399