Cherryville & Area Historical Society

President: Charolette Hanaghan
Phone: 250-547-2430
Mailing address: Cherryville & Area Historical Society
425 Highway 6, Cherryville, B.C. V0E 2G3
The Cherryville & Area Historical Society was officially granted a charter on November 3, 1994. The founding members were Ernie Laviolette, Lawrna Myers, Marg Myers, Charmaine Templeton, Joy Vaillancourt, and Albert Werner.
The Society was funded through a book written by Marg Myers and Joy Vallaincourt that detailed Cherryville’s history. The book was titled, Cherryville Our Early Years and Pioneers. Four hundred copies were ultimately printed and sold.
In 1999, the Cherryville & Area Historical Society decided that a building (museum) was needed so that Cherryville’s history could be preserved in one place. Whitevalley Log Homes Ltd. willingly came to the aid of the Society. The building was assembled at the Goldpanner Campground (425 Highway 6) on July 22, 2000.
The Goldpanner Campground seemed an ideal spot as the area’s early history originates at this location. In 1863, there was a small community consisting of two houses and one cabin on a claim belonging to Pion and Louis. By 1895, the location had grown into a small mining camp located deep within the canyon walls of Cherry Creek.
In 2007, the Society published another book on Cherryville titled, A Century of Life in Cherryville, 1860-1960.
Since the inception of the Society money has been raised through:
•The sale of Cherryville Our Early Years and Pioneers
•The sale of A Century of Life in Cherryville, 1860-1960
•The sale of Memories of Richlands School
•Yearly calendars printed since 2000
•A dinner theatre held on March 28, 1998
•Spaghetti Supper and Auction held in March 2005
•Pancake breakfasts
•Yard sales
•The “Friends of the Cherryville and Area Historical Society” fund. For a donation of $50.00 or more, individuals or businesses have their names placed on a permanent display plaque.
The Society has received financial aid from Cherry Ridge Management Committee and the Cherryville Quilters Guild. The Cherryville Community Club has allowed the use of the Cherryville Community Hall rent-free. The Society has also had help in the form of labour from local residents and materials from businesses such as Bell Pole, Condale Industries, Emcon Services, Rouck Brothers Sawmill and Twisted Tree (who moved the building at no cost).
Grants have been received from Community Foundations in Vernon and the Regional District of the North Okanagan.
Membership in the Cherryville & Area Historical Society is open to the public. Dues are $2.00 for an individual and $10.00 for a business, organization or society.
The 2019-20 Board of Directors are:
President: Charolette Hanaghan
Vice-President: Joe Myers
Treasurer: Marg Myers
Secretary: Lawrna Myers
Directors: Wayne Cunneyworth, Bev Bond, Jenn Baumbick