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56th annual Cherryville Days
2019 Schedule of Events

Cherryville Day/s is held on the first weekend in June, as the annual fundraising event of the Cherryville Community Club.

The first Cherryville Day was held in 1963, in the field at the corner of Highway 6 and North Fork Road, then belonging to The Young Family.

Activities kick off with the Cherryville Days Parade which leaves the Cherryville Emporium at 12 noon, and heads down to Hanson Park for a day of fun, Cherryville-style!

President Cherryville Community Club:
Lynne Frerichs
The History of Cherryville Day/s

At the April 1963 meeting of the Cherryville Community Club, Ernie Laviolette proposed the idea of having a special day of fun and recreation for the residents of Cherryville. At that time, the president was Joe Myers and the secretary was Charlie Sihlis. The idea was accepted and a committee, consisting of Ernie Laviolette, Fred Burrows, Eugene Foisy, Charlie Sihlis, Ruth Sihlis and Earl & Shirley Young, was formed. Marilyn (Sihlis) Laviolette and Diane (Young) Rouck were also involved.

The first Cherryville Day was held on the 6th of June, 1963, on the grounds of Earl & Shirley Young’s property, at the corner of North Fork Road and Highway 6. Miss Cherryville 1962, Patty Burrows, opened the day with a ceremonial cutting of the ribbon. Events started at 10:00am with races for the kids, followed by races for the adults. Other events included logging, gymkhana, Bingo, craft displays, Horseshoes, Tug o’ War, and later in the afternoon there was a softball game. A concession stand was available and run by The Thibeaults (owners of a local coffee shop). Some residents chose to bring a picnic lunch for their families. An estimated crowd of 300 enjoyed the day participating, watching the events and mingling with friends and neighbours.

There was a first-time-ever children’s dance, with only kids allowed on the dance floor. Local band, The Midnight Ramblers, supplied the music. This was a huge success. The Midnight Ramblers continued by playing for the adult dance that followed. It rocked the old log hall with about 230 people enjoying themselves. Marilyn Sihlis was crowned by Patty Burrows as the new Miss Cherryville at midnight.

The day was a huge success and it was decided that it should become an annual event.

Saturday - June 1st 
8:00 am - 11:00 am Pancake Breakfast at Cherryville Community Hall
11:00 am Parade Line-Up at Cherryville Emporium
11:30 am Parade Judging (Volunteers needed)
12:00 noon Cherryville Days Parade departs from Emporium for Cherryville School.
Collectable and antique vehicles are welcome to park & display in the arena in Hanson Park, after the parade.
12 noon - 8:30 pm Valhalla Helicopter Rides
Get an aerial view of Cherryville.  Flights will be taking off from
79 Specht Road, next door to the Cherryville Community Hall.
$60 per person for 10 minute ride.  The team at Valhalla Helicopters
is experienced, personable and puts safety first.
12:30 pm Bike Races  Kids meet at the Rink in Hanson Park.  Helmets are mandatory.
12:30 pm Kids and Adult Games in Hanson Park
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Concession
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm Beer Garden at Hanson Park
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Trampoline for the Kids at Hanson Park
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm - Bubble Wonders in playground area at Hanson Park
1:00 - 5:30 pm Live Music with Mabel Lickers, Steel Wound, Ron Clempson, and Local Smoke on main stage in Hanson Park
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Tea Garden at Hanson Park
1:00 pm Bingo at Hanson Park
2:30 pm Outhouse Races in front of stage at Hanson Park
3:00 pm - Colouring Contest Results
9:00 pm - 1:00 am Cherryville Days Adult Dance at Cherryville Community Hall.  Live music by Feet First.  Advance tickets only, $15 - available at Cherryville Emporium, Frank's General Store; and in Lumby at Jitter Beans Coffee House. NO MINORS

Sunday - June 2nd
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Beer Garden
12:30 pm - 4:00 pm Concession (Volunteers needed)
1:00 pm Baseball Game at the ball diamond in school field
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Horseshoes
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Tea Garden
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Kids Playground
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Trampoline for the Kids
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Kiki The Eco Elf at Hanson Park on the stage, followed by Face Painting.
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Desert Moon Belly Dancers at Hanson Park on the stage
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Great Viking Feast at Cherryville Community Hall, including live action entertainment with a Viking Tournament on stage (details below).
Menu: Hearty Viking Style Stew, Buns and Butter, Roast Chicken, Baked Potato, Roasted Vegies, Dessert, Cider (sans alcohol).
Ticket price to be announced.  Volunteers wanted - please call Leslie Klatt at 778-212-1492.
Viking Tournament happening live at the Viking Feast.  Limited space available for competitors - be sure to register at Frank's Store or The Emporium.  
The tournament will be "Minute to Win It" style.  Competitors will be given skill testing, games (party tricks really), to practice at home leading up to the tournament, and will be asked to perform 3 of the games live on stage.


Cherryville Days 2020 & 2021
cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Cherryville Days 2020 & 2021
cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic